It’s worth noting that Pierson’s engagement with motorcycling had profound effects during her life after writing this book she is an avid rider today, and credits motorcycling with altering her worldview and mental health for the better. With the unjaded eye of a neophyte explorer, Pierson highlights elements of which we too often lose sight, familiarity tragically dimming our view. By recounting her individual journey from motorcycling’s outskirts to its very heart, she elucidates the commonalities in which we all participate. It is well-researched in terms of historical facts, social dynamics, and introspective reflections, serving as both educational text and intimate testimony. Rich in its sensuality and intricate in its philosophical meanderings, Pierson’s writing conjures fond memories, articulates elusive feelings, and propounds psychological truths with artistry and precision.

Pierson writes with the keen observations of a journalist and the emotional sensitivity of a poet (she happens to be both, literally!), capturing subtle nuances without missing the forest for the trees. Whether you enjoy feeling understood by an articulate soul who truly gets it, or you want someone in your life to get it who doesn’t already, I can’t urge this purchase strongly enough.Īt once both deeply personal and broadly encyclopedic, The Perfect Vehicle oscillates between narratives of the writer’s own experiences upon entering our world and objective surveys of motorcycling culture, both historically and cross-sectionally. Time has proven this to be one of the all-time finest books about our relationships with our adored (and sometimes cursed) machines and with the community of others who share our passion.

Looking back at what I wrote then, all the accolades have certainly held up during subsequent readings – if anything, the book has gotten even better with age.

I first reviewed this classic over two decades ago for another publication.